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Important MS Office MCQs

1.From which menu you can insert Header and Footer?
A. Insert Menu
B. View Menu
C. Format menu
D. Tools Menu
Correct Answer: A

2. To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the __ menu and choose ‘Symbol’.
A. Insert
B. Format
C. Tools
D. Table
Correct Answer: A

3. ___ option from clipboard is used to move data from one place to another in a document.
A. Copy & Paste
B. Cut & Paste
C. Bold
D. Justify
Correct Answer: B

4.__ is an option in Font Group.
D. Change Styles
Correct Answer: A

5.Name the button in the picture?
A.Font Color
B.Fill Color
C.Page Color
D.Highlighter tool
Correct Answer: D

6.Shortcut for document views toolbar is situated in __ bar.
A.Task bar
B.Status bar
C.Tool bar
D.Title bar
Correct Answer: B

7.Bullets and Numbering is in ___ tab.
A.Home tab
B.Insert tab
C.Pagelayout tab
D.View tab
Correct Answer: A

8.To open a existing document, click on the ____ and then select Open.
A.MS Office button
B.Quick Access Toolbar
C.Document Views
Correct Answer: A

9.Cut, Copy and Paste is in ____ Group in the Home tab.
B.Page Setup
Correct Answer: C

10.___ is used to covert from upper case to lower case and vice versa.
A.Toggle case
B.Sentence case
C.Lower case
D.Upper case
Correct Answer: A

11.Pressing F8 key for three times selects
A) A word
B) A sentence
C) A paragraph
D) Entire document

Correct Answer: B

12. What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?
A) Alt+Ctrl+C
B) Alt + C
C) Ctrl + C
D) Ctrl + Shift + C
Correct Answer: A

11. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting toolbar?
A) 8 and 72
B) 8 and 64
C) 12 and 72
D) None of above
Correct Answer: A

12. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors?
A) Clipart
B) WordArt
C) Drop Cap
D) All of above
Correct Answer: A

13. The keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to
A) Increase font size
B) Inserts a line break
C) Indicate the text should be bold
D) Applies italic format to selected text
Correct Answer: D

14. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as
A) Outlined
B) Raised
C) Superscript
D) Subscript
Correct Answer: C

15. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for
A) Spelling suggestions
B) Grammar options
C) Synonyms and Antonyms words
D) All of above
Correct Answer: C

16. Why Drop Caps are used in document?
A) To drop all the capital letters
B) To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter
C) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
D) None of above
Correct Answer: C

17. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify as a name for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
A) To add anchors in web page
B) To mark the ending of a paragraph of document
C) To quickly jump to specific location in document
D) To add hyperlinks in webpage
Correct Answer: C

18. Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?
A)Office XP
B) Office Vista
C) Office 2007
D) None of above
Correct Answer: B

19. You cannot close MS Word application by
A) Choosing File menu then Exit submenu
B) Press Alt+F4
C) Click X button on title bar
D) From File menu choose Close submenu
Correct Answer: D

20. The key F12 opens a
A) Save As dialog box
B) Open dialog box
C) Save dialog box
D) Close dialog box
Correct Answer: A

21. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box?
A) F12
B) Shift F12
C) Alt + F12
D) Ctrl + F12
Correct Answer: D

22. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on
A) Save tab on Options dialog box
B) Save As dialog box
C) Both of above
D) None of above
Correct Answer: A

23. Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen?
A) Tab stop box
B) Left Indent
C) Right Indent
D) Center Indent
E) All of them are available on ruler
Correct Answer: D

24. Which file starts MS Word?
A) Winword.exe
B) Word.exe
C) Msword.exe
D) Word2003.exe
Correct Answer: A

25. If you want to keep track of different editions of a document which features will you use?
A) Editions
B) Versions
C) Track Change
D) All of above
Correct Answer: B

26. Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in
A) Web layout view
B) Print Layout view
C) Reading View
D) Print Preview
Correct Answer: D

27. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options?
A) Page
B) Document
C) Section
D) Page Setup
Correct Answer: C

28. Borders can be applied to
A) Cells
B) Paragraph
C) Text
D) All of above
Correct Answer: D

29. Which of the following is not a type of page margin?
A) Left
B) Right
C) Center
D) Top
Correct Answer: C

30. What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?
A) 1″
B) 1.25″
C) 1.5″
D) 2″
Correct Answer: B

31. Portrait and Landscape are
A) Page Orientation
B) Paper Size
C) Page Layout
D) All of above
Correct Answer: A

32. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
A) Edit
B) View
C) Format
D) Tools
Correct Answer: C

33. Which of the following is not a font style?
A) Bold
B) Italics
C) Regular
D) Superscript
Correct Answer: D

34. What happens when you click on Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art
A) It inserts a clipart picture into document
B) It lets you choose clipart to insert into document
C) It opens Clip Art taskbar
D) None of above
Correct Answer: C

35. Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior?
A) Fixed Column Width
B) AutoFit to Contents
C) Autofit to Window
D) Autofit to Column
Correct Answer: D

36. To autofit the width of column
A) Double click the right border of column
B) Double click the left border of column
C) Double click the column header
D) All of above
Correct Answer: A

37. Which of the following statement is false?
A) You can set different header footer for even and odd pages
B) You can set different page number formats for different sections
C) You can set different header footer for first page of a section
D) You can set different header and footer for last page of a section
Correct Answer: D

38. Where can you change the vertical alignment?
A) Formatting toolbar
B) Paragraph dialog box
C) Page Setup dialog box
D) Standard toolbar
Correct Answer: C

39. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace ___ words as you type.
A) Short, repetitive
B) Grammatically incorrect
C) Misspelled
D) None of the above
Correct Answer: C

40. Which of the following is the second step in creating a macro?
A) Start recording
B) Using your mouse or keyboard, perform the task you want to automate
C) Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro
D) Give the macro a name
Correct Answer: C

41. In Word, the mailing list is known as the ____.
A) Data sheet
B) Source
C) Data source
D) Sheet
Correct Answer: C

42. Which of the following is not one of the three ‘Mail Merge Helper’ steps?
A) Merge the two files
B) Create the main document
C) Set the mailing list parameters
D) Create the data source
Correct Answer: C

43. Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source?
A) ‘Data Source’ button
B) ‘Edit’ button
C) ‘Edit Data Source’ button
D) ‘Data editing’ button
Correct Answer: C

44. It is possible to ___ a data source before performing a merge.
A) Create
B) Modify
C) Sort
D) all of the above
Correct Answer: D

45. Comments can be added to cells using …..
A. Edit -> Comments
B. Insert -> Comment
C. File -> Comments
D. View –> Comments
Correct Answer: B

46. Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel?
A) 10
B) 100
C) 300
D) 500
Correct Answer: D

47. The spelling tool is placed on __ toolbar
A) Standard
B) Formatting
C) Drawing
D) Reviewing
Correct Answer: A

48. Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel?
A. Number
B. Character
C. Label
D. Date/Time
Correct Answer: B


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