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Showing posts from May 29, 2022

What is Blockchain & How Does a Blockchain Work?

Blockchain technology is the latest innovation in the world of digital finance and it is revolutionizing the way we do business. It is a secure, digital ledger that records transactions, and it is quickly becoming the new standard for financial transactions.  But what is blockchain technology? How does it work and what are the benefits of using it? In this article, we will explore the answers to these questions, as well as the future of blockchain technology and the courses and services available to help you learn more about it. What is Blockchain Technology? Blockchain is a new kind of database that can be used to store data in a way that doesn’t allow anyone to tamper with it. Blockchain is a decentralized and public digital ledger or list of all transactions. It stores information about who owns what when they owned it, and what they did with it. Blockchain is similar to a public spreadsheet that can be edited by anyone with the necessary permissions. It has two key features: decen