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Here are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for SPSC Computer Science Lectureship:

1. Which of the following is not a high-level programming language?

   A) C++

   B) Assembly Language

   C) Java

   D) Python

2. In object-oriented programming, what does the term "encapsulation" refer to?

   A) Binding data and functions into a single unit

   B) Hiding the implementation details of an object

   C) Inheritance of properties and behaviors

   D) Ability to access multiple objects simultaneously

3. What is the purpose of SQL (Structured Query Language)?

   A) To write scripts for web development

   B) To create dynamic web pages

   C) To manage and manipulate databases

   D) To design user interfaces

4. Which data structure uses LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle?

   A) Queue

   B) Stack

   C) Linked List

   D) Tree

5. Which sorting algorithm has the worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)?

   A) Merge Sort

   B) Quick Sort

   C) Bubble Sort

   D) Insertion Sort

6. What is the output of the following C code?



int main()


    int x = 5;

    printf("%d", x++);

    return 0;



   A) 5

   B) 6

   C) 4

   D) Undefined behavior

7. Which of the following is a network layer protocol?

   A) TCP

   B) IP

   C) HTTP

   D) FTP

8. Which data structure is used for implementing a priority queue?

   A) Stack

   B) Queue

   C) Binary Search Tree

   D) Heap

9. What does the term "DMA" stand for in computer architecture?

   A) Direct Memory Access

   B) Dynamic Memory Allocation

   C) Data Management Analysis

   D) Direct Memory Allocation

10. What is the role of a compiler in software development?

    A) Executes the program instructions

    B) Translates high-level code to machine code

    C) Manages memory allocation

    D) Handles input/output operations

11. Which programming language is commonly used for developing Android applications?

    A) Java

    B) C++

    C) Python

    D) Swift

12. What is the purpose of a firewall in computer networks?

    A) To encrypt data transmissions

    B) To detect and prevent unauthorized access

    C) To amplify network signals

    D) To manage IP addresses

13. Which of the following is a type of loop in programming?

    A) For loop

    B) If loop

    C) Do loop

    D) All of the above

14. Which of the following is not a valid data type in C programming language?

    A) Float

    B) Real

    C) Char

    D) Double

15. What is the primary function of an operating system?

    A) To provide security to the computer system

    B) To manage hardware and software resources

    C) To develop software applications

    D) To connect computers in a network

16. Which of the following is not a type of computer memory?

    A) RAM

    B) ROM

    C) Cache

    D) CD-ROM

17. What does HTML stand for in web development?

    A) Hyperlink Text Markup Language

    B) Hyper Transfer Markup Language

    C) Hypertext Markup Language

    D) High-level Text Markup Language

18. Which of the following is not a programming paradigm?

    A) Procedural

    B) Functional

    C) Declarative

    D) Object-Oriented

19. What is the purpose of an index in a database?

    A) To sort data alphabetically

    B) To optimize data retrieval

    C) To encrypt sensitive information

    D) To establish foreign key constraints

20. Which of the following is a valid HTTP response status code indicating success?

    A) 200

    B) 404

    C) 500

    D) 302

21. Which programming language is often used for statistical analysis and data visualization?


    B) R

    C) Perl

    D) Ruby

22. What is the function of a router in computer networking?

    A) To connect devices within the same network

    B) To connect multiple networks together

    C) To amplify network signals

    D) To store and retrieve data packets

23. Which of the following is an example of a non-volatile memory?

    A) RAM

    B) Cache

    C) ROM

    D) Virtual Memory

24. What is the primary function of a compiler in the context of programming languages?

    A) To execute the program

    B) To translate the program into machine code

    C) To debug the program

    D) To optimize the program for performance

25. Which of the following is not a type of computer network?

    A) LAN (Local Area Network)

    B) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

    C) WAN (Wide Area Network)

    D) RAM (Random Access Memory)

26. In the context of databases, what is ACID?

    A) A measure of database size

    B) A type of database table

    C) A set of properties that guarantee database transactions are processed reliably

    D) A database query language

27. Which of the following is not a valid data structure?

    A) Array

    B) Stack

    C) Tree

    D) Object

28. What is the purpose of a primary key in a database table?

    A) To uniquely identify each record in the table

    B) To store sensitive information securely

    C) To establish relationships between tables

    D) To sort data in ascending order

29. Which of the following is a feature of object-oriented programming?

    A) Encapsulation

    B) Goto statements

    C) Global variables

    D) Spaghetti code

30. What does TCP/IP stand for in computer networking?

    A) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

    B) Technical Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

    C) Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

    D) Telecommunication Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

31. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP request method?

    A) GET

    B) POST



32. Which of the following is a type of join operation in SQL?

    A) Add

    B) Insert

    C) Select

    D) Inner Join

33. What is the purpose of a foreign key in a database table?

    A) To enforce referential integrity between two tables

    B) To sort data in descending order

    C) To optimize database performance

    D) To uniquely identify each record in the table

34. Which of the following is not a component of a CPU?

    A) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

    B) Control Unit

    C) GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

    D) Registers

35. What does the term "HTTP"

 stand for in web development?

    A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

    B) Hyper Transfer Protocol

    C) High-level Text Protocol

    D) Hypertext Transmission Protocol

36. What is the purpose of a DNS (Domain Name System) server?

    A) To manage email communications

    B) To translate domain names to IP addresses

    C) To provide network security

    D) To host websites

37. Which of the following is not a type of computer virus?

    A) Worm

    B) Trojan Horse

    C) Spyware

    D) Firewall

38. Which of the following is a benefit of using cloud computing?

    A) Increased security risks

    B) Reduced hardware and maintenance costs

    C) Limited scalability

    D) Decreased accessibility

39. What does the term "HTTPs" indicate in a URL?

    A) Hyperlink Text Protocol Security

    B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

    C) High-level Text Protocol Security

    D) Hypertext Transmission Protocol Secure

40. Which of the following is a commonly used relational database management system (RDBMS)?

    A) MongoDB

    B) PostgreSQL

    C) Redis

    D) Cassandra

41. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP response status code?

    A) 200

    B) 300

    C) 400

    D) 500

42. What is the function of an operating system scheduler?

    A) To manage memory allocation

    B) To control peripheral devices

    C) To schedule tasks for execution

    D) To encrypt data transmissions

43. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP header field?

    A) Content-Type

    B) User-Agent

    C) GET

    D) Accept-Encoding

44. What is the function of a compiler in software development?

    A) To convert high-level code to machine code

    B) To execute the program

    C) To debug the program

    D) To manage input/output operations

45. Which of the following is a type of software license that allows users to modify and distribute the software freely?

    A) Open Source License

    B) Closed Source License

    C) Proprietary License

    D) End-User License Agreement

46. What is the purpose of RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)?

    A) To optimize database queries

    B) To prevent data loss and improve data reliability

    C) To improve network performance

    D) To encrypt sensitive data

47. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP request header field?

    A) Content-Type

    B) User-Agent

    C) POST

    D) Accept-Encoding

48. What is the purpose of a subnet mask in computer networking?

    A) To identify the network portion of an IP address

    B) To encrypt data transmissions

    C) To establish firewall rules

    D) To assign IP addresses dynamically

49. What is the role of a compiler in programming?

    A) To convert source code into machine code

    B) To interpret source code directly

    C) To execute the program

    D) To debug the program

50. Which of the following is not a valid HTTP request method?

    A) PUT

    B) PATCH



These questions cover various topics in computer science suitable for a lectureship exam.

Here are the answer keys for all 50 questions:

1. B) Assembly Language

2. A) Binding data and functions into a single unit

3. C) To manage and manipulate databases

4. B) Stack

5. C) Bubble Sort

6. A) 5

7. B) IP

8. D) Heap

9. A) Direct Memory Access

10. B) Translates high-level code to machine code

11. A) Java

12. B) To detect and prevent unauthorized access

13. A) For loop

14. B) Real

15. B) To manage hardware and software resources

16. D) CD-ROM

17. C) Hypertext Markup Language

18. D) Object-Oriented

19. B) To optimize data retrieval

20. A) 200

21. B) R

22. B) To connect multiple networks together

23. C) ROM

24. B) To translate the program into machine code

25. D) RAM (Random Access Memory)

26. C) A set of properties that guarantee database transactions are processed reliably

27. D) Object

28. A) To uniquely identify each record in the table

29. A) Encapsulation

30. A) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


32. D) Inner Join

33. A) To enforce referential integrity between two tables

34. C) GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)

35. A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol

36. B) To translate domain names to IP addresses

37. D) Firewall

38. B) Reduced hardware and maintenance costs

39. B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

40. B) PostgreSQL

41. C) 400

42. C) To schedule tasks for execution

43. C) GET

44. A) To convert high-level code to machine code

45. A) Open Source License

46. B) To prevent data loss and improve data reliability

47. C) POST

48. A) To identify the network portion of an IP address

49. A) To convert source code into machine code


These answers correspond to the options provided in the questions.


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