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Top Artificial Intelligence (AI) MCQs For Computer Science Test


What is the primary goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? a) To mimic human behavior b) To perform tasks that typically require human intelligence c) To replace human intelligence d) To enhance human intelligence Answer: b) To perform tasks that typically require human intelligence

Which of the following is NOT a subfield of AI? a) Machine Learning b) Robotics c) Data Mining d) Compiler Design Answer: d) Compiler Design

Which technique in AI involves mimicking the way the human brain works? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Neural Networks c) Expert Systems d) Fuzzy Logic Answer: b) Neural Networks

What does the Turing Test assess? a) The processing speed of computers b) The ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human c) The accuracy of machine learning algorithms d) The efficiency of expert systems Answer: b) The ability of a machine to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human

Which of the following is a supervised learning algorithm? a) K-means clustering b) Decision Trees c) Genetic Algorithms d) Reinforcement Learning Answer: b) Decision Trees

Which technique in AI is used to deal with uncertainty and imprecision? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Fuzzy Logic c) Neural Networks d) Expert Systems Answer: b) Fuzzy Logic

What is the main advantage of using a genetic algorithm? a) It always finds the optimal solution b) It is computationally inexpensive c) It can handle complex, nonlinear problems with large search spaces d) It guarantees convergence to the global minimum Answer: c) It can handle complex, nonlinear problems with large search spaces

Which algorithm learns by trial and error through rewards and punishments? a) Genetic Algorithm b) Neural Network c) Reinforcement Learning d) Decision Tree Answer: c) Reinforcement Learning

Which of the following is NOT a component of a typical expert system? a) Knowledge Base b) Inference Engine c) Learning Module d) User Interface Answer: c) Learning Module

What is the primary function of an inference engine in an expert system? a) To store domain-specific knowledge b) To reason using the knowledge stored in the knowledge base c) To interact with the user d) To process sensory input Answer: b) To reason using the knowledge stored in the knowledge base

Which of the following is a type of unsupervised learning algorithm? a) Support Vector Machines b) K-means Clustering c) Decision Trees d) Random Forest Answer: b) K-means Clustering

Which AI technique is inspired by the process of natural selection? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Neural Networks c) Reinforcement Learning d) Expert Systems Answer: a) Genetic Algorithms

What does the acronym "ANN" stand for in the context of Artificial Intelligence? a) Advanced Neural Network b) Artificial Neural Network c) Adaptive Neural Network d) Automated Neural Network Answer: b) Artificial Neural Network

Which of the following is an example of a symbolic AI approach? a) Neural Networks b) Support Vector Machines c) Expert Systems d) Reinforcement Learning Answer: c) Expert Systems

Which type of neural network architecture is used for image recognition tasks? a) Feedforward Neural Network b) Convolutional Neural Network c) Recurrent Neural Network d) Self-Organizing Map Answer: b) Convolutional Neural Network

Which AI technique is used to make decisions under uncertainty? a) Reinforcement Learning b) Genetic Algorithms c) Fuzzy Logic d) Neural Networks Answer: c) Fuzzy Logic

Which algorithm is used to minimize errors between predicted and actual outcomes in supervised learning? a) Gradient Descent b) K-means Clustering c) Breadth-First Search d) Depth-First Search Answer: a) Gradient Descent

Which technique is used to automatically generate rules from examples in machine learning? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Decision Trees c) Support Vector Machines d) K-nearest Neighbors Answer: b) Decision Trees

Which type of machine learning algorithm is suitable for detecting credit card fraud? a) Supervised Learning b) Unsupervised Learning c) Reinforcement Learning d) Semi-supervised Learning Answer: b) Unsupervised Learning

What is the primary purpose of reinforcement learning? a) To classify data into different categories b) To make predictions based on past data c) To learn optimal actions by interacting with an environment d) To discover hidden patterns in data Answer: c) To learn optimal actions by interacting with an environment

Which technique is used to improve the performance of a neural network by updating the model's parameters? a) Backpropagation b) Genetic Algorithm c) K-nearest Neighbors d) Decision Trees
Answer: a) Backpropagation

Which type of learning algorithm adjusts its weights and biases to minimize the error between predicted and actual outputs? a) Supervised Learning b) Unsupervised Learning c) Reinforcement Learning d) Semi-supervised Learning Answer: a) Supervised Learning

Which algorithm is used to find the optimal solution for a given optimization problem? a) Genetic Algorithm b) Breadth-First Search c) Depth-First Search d) A* Search Answer: d) A Search*

Which AI technique is used to process and understand natural language? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Neural Networks c) Natural Language Processing d) Expert Systems Answer: c) Natural Language Processing

Which technique is used to identify patterns and relationships in large datasets? a) Genetic Algorithms b) Neural Networks c) Data Mining d) Expert Systems Answer: c) Data Mining

Which type of problem-solving approach does a genetic algorithm use? a) Heuristic b) Algorithmic c) Analytical d) Deterministic Answer: a) Heuristic


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