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Showing posts from August 25, 2024

Operating System (OS) concepts for a Computer Programmer interview.

Understanding Operating System (OS) concepts is essential for a Computer Programmer interview. Here’s a breakdown of key OS topics you should be familiar with: 1. Processes and Threads Process: Definition: A program in execution. It is an active entity that has its own memory space. States: New: Process is being created. Ready: Process is waiting to be assigned to a processor. Running: Process instructions are being executed. Waiting: Process is waiting for some event (e.g., I/O). Terminated: Process has finished execution. Process Control Block (PCB): A data structure in the OS that contains information about the process (e.g., process state, program counter, CPU registers, memory limits). Thread: Definition: The smallest unit of a process that can be scheduled for execution. Threads within the same process share the same memory space. Multithreading: Multiple threads within a single process, allowing for parallel execution. Use Case: Increases application responsiveness and

Software Engineering Concept For Interview Computer Science

Software Engineering is a broad field that encompasses various principles, methodologies, and practices used to design, develop, test, and maintain software systems. Here’s a breakdown of key Software Engineering concepts that are essential for a Computer Programmer interview: 1. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Definition: The process used by software engineers to design, develop, and test high-quality software. It includes a series of steps that provide a structured framework for developing software. Phases of SDLC: Requirement Analysis: Collecting and analyzing the requirements from stakeholders. Deliverables: Requirements Specification Document (SRS). Design: Translating requirements into a blueprint for constructing the software. It includes high-level design (HLD) and detailed design (LLD). Deliverables: Design Documents, UML Diagrams. Implementation (Coding): Writing the code according to the design documents. Deliverables: Source Code, Unit Test Cases. Testing: Validatin